Support for Interface Packages#
NetCDF4 Compatibility#
NcData supports netCDF4-python package versions >= 1.6.5, which implies the NetCDF4 library version >= 4.9.
The Continuous Integration testing on GitHub tests against the latest version compatible with Iris and Xarray.
Ncdata supports all the regular datatypes of netcdf, but not the variable-length and user-defined datatypes.
This means, notably, that all string variables will have the basic numpy type ‘S1’, equivalent to netcdf ‘NC_CHAR’. Thus, multi-character string variables must always have a definite “string-length” dimension.
Attribute values, by contrast, are treated as Python strings with the normal variable length support. Their basic dtype can be any numpy string dtype, but will be converted when required.
The NetCDF C library and netCDF4-python do not support arrays of strings in attributes, so neither does NcData.
Data Scaling, Masking and Compression#
Ncdata does not implement scaling and offset within data arrays : The “.data” array has the actual variable dtype, and the “scale_factor” and “add_offset” attributes are treated like any other attribute.
The existence of a “_FillValue” attribute controls how.. TODO
File storage control#
The ncdata.netcdf4.to_nc4()
cannot control compression or storage options
provided by netCDF4.Dataset.createVariable()
, which means you can’t
control the data compression and translation facilities of the NetCDF file
If required, you should use iris
or xarray
for this.
Dask chunking control#
Loading from netcdf files generates variables whose data arrays are all Dask lazy arrays. These are created with the “chunks=’auto’” setting. There is currently no control for this : If required, load via Iris or Xarray instead.
Xarray Compatibility#
NcData is tested with xarray >= 2023.7.0
The Continuous Integration testing on GitHub test against the latest released version of Xarray compatible with the other requirements (i.e., usually, the latest release version).
The “encoding” controls are lost in converting from Xarray to Ncdata. However, an “encoding” attribute which exists on a variable will be passed to the ‘encoding’ control in Xarray, so this can be used to control data storage formats.
The arrays behave as if netCDF4.Variable arrays, hence they contain raw data which Xarray may convert from integers to floating-point, or masked data to NaNs.
In conversion to xarray with to_xarray()
dataset encodings are not reproduced, most notably
any “unlimited_dims” control is lost. But, this is effectively a bug,
which may be fixed later.
See : issue#66
Iris Features#
The Continuous Integration testing on GitHub tests against the latest-current “main” branch of Iris.
Ncdata is compatible with iris >= v3.7.0 see : support added in v3.7.0
In conversion from iris cubes with ncdata.iris.from_iris()
use of an unlimited_dims key currently causes an exception
See : issue#43