Versions and Change Notes#

Project Status#

We intend to follow PEP 440, or (older) SemVer versioning principles. This means the version string has the basic form “major.minor.bugfix[special-types]”.

Current release version is at “v0.1”.

This is a first complete implementation, with functional operational of all public APIs. The code is however still experimental, and APIs are not stable (hence no major version yet).

Change Notes#


TODO: highlights


Small tweaks + bug fixes. Note: PR#62, and PR#59 are important fixes to achieve intended performance goals, i.e. moving arbitrarily large data via Dask without running out of memory.

v0.1.1 on GitHub

  • Stop non-numpy attribute values from breaking attribute printout. PR#63

  • Stop ncdata.iris.from_iris() consuming full data memory for each variable. PR#62

  • Provide convenience APIs for ncdata component dictionaries and attribute values. PR#61

  • Use dask chunks="auto" in ncdata.netcdf4.from_nc4(). PR#59


First release

v0.1.0 on GitHub