Purpose and Principles of NcData#


  • represent netcdf data as Python objects, independent of file storage

  • allow data to be freely created, modified or adjusted, with a Pythonic interface

  • allow analysis packages (Iris, Xarray) to exchange data efficiently, including lazy data operations and streaming

Design Principles#

  • all data structures are represented as Python objects

  • data can be losslessly converted to and from actual NetCDF files

  • data structures can be freely manipulated, independent of data files

  • variables can contain either real (numpy) or lazy (Dask) arrays

  • variable data is exchanged directly with Iris/Xarray, with no copying or fetching of variable data arrays

    Note : “lossless, copy-free and lazy-preserving”.

  • lazy arrays are saved to file by Dask ‘streaming’, allowing transfer of variable arrays larger than memory

  • Iris and Xarray objects are converted to and from ncdata in the same way they are read from or written to NetCDF files

  • translation between formats is based on conversion to + from ncdata


From the final 2 points : since conversion to+from ncdata is equivalent to file i/o, so is inter-format conversion

E.G. translation from Iris to Xarray should be equivalent to saving from Iris to a file, then loading that file into Xarray